A pavement preservation project is underway on Royal Palm Rd. / 87th St. from Hayden Rd. to Via Linda. The project will take about a month to complete and includes extensive work on the roadway. One travel lane, in each direction, will remain open during construction. Please plan ahead to avoid delays.
On February 29 crews began prepping the road surface ahead of the micro seal treatment. The micro-milled preparation provides a smoother roadway and helps crews identify additional cracks in the asphalt. A crack fill treatment is the second phase of the project and will help
prevent moisture from penetrating into the roadbed. The final phase of the project will be a micro seal application which will extend the life of the asphalt and provide a smoother more-consistent road surface. Crews will be in and out of the project area for the next four weeks; time between phases is required to ensure the material has adequate time to cure.
Please contact Southwest Slurry Seal at 623-582-1919 with any questions about the project schedule. For questions about the city’s Five-year Paving Plan visit www.ScottsdaleAZ.gov and search, “Pavement Preservation”.
Project Area Map