Wagons, wagon wheels, barrels, wishing wells, sculptures, etc., are not permitted in the front yard of any home. For the purpose of this rule, yards facing a lake or golf course are considered front yards.
Select one of the options below and the information will expand below. Click the section again to condense it.
- No animals, reptiles, fish or birds of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any property except pursuant to prior written approval of and in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Association, provided, however, that dogs, cats, birds or fish may be kept thereon as household pets so long as, in the discretion of the Association, such pet is not, or does not become, a nuisance, threat or otherwise objectionable to other Property Owners.
- City of Scottsdale Ordinances prohibit dogs running at large, and require that litter be picked up immediately by Property Owner. In addition, no person shall keep a dog within the City limits which is in the habit of barking or howling or disturbing the peace and quiet of any person within the City. Complaints regarding these issues should be directed to the City of Scottsdale.
Owners may submit requests for high quality artificial turf for their front yards. Owners are cautioned that the use of artificial turf requires that they maintain it to the highest standards of care. Artificial turf will be considered for approval on a case-by-case determination as follows:
The submittal shall include:
- a one foot square foot boxed sample (including infill) of the exact finished turf product
- a brochure of the product
- the contract between the owner and the installer, who must be a licensed, bonded and insured professional installer licensed to install artificial turf, describing the manufacturer’s specifications
- copy of the manufacturer’s warranty showing at least seven (7) years
Minimum specification include:
- a tufted face weight (pile weight) range between 40 ounces to 78 ounces per square yard
- a stitch gage maximum width of ¾ inch
- a minimum of 3 inches of compacted aggregate material installed under the artificial turf surface (sub-base materials)
- a minimum blade length of 1½ inches, not to exceed 2¼ inches
- a border (when required by the ACC)
Artificial turf must be installed in such a way as to appear seamless and uniform. All seams must be glued. Only natural colors are acceptable, to remain unchanged from the natural green lawn appearance, and subject to approval by the ACC.
Only turf requiring infill installation will be allowed. Infill material installation shall be according to turf manufacturer specifications or based upon standard industry guidelines. Minimum infill installation shall be two (2) pounds per square foot.
Artificial turf shall be maintained in like-new condition, color and uniformity with no tears or seams visible. Any fading or deterioration of wear patterns and incidental damage of the product will necessitate replacement.
Artificial turf must be kept free of debris, dirt and odor. Any repairs required to the artificial turf must be completed within ten (10) days of the notice to repair and/or replace, i.e., tears, folded up edges, seams showing, worn areas, burnt areas, etc.
All submittals must identify the overall square footage of the front yard landscape space, the square footage of the artificial turf purposed and the percentage of artificial turf of the overall front yard landscape area. Artificial turf may not encompass more than 30% of the front yard minus vehicle driveway and parking area. The ACC may consider artificial turf area that exceeds 30% of the total front yard landscape at their discretion.
By submitting the architectural request for artificial turf the applicant agrees to bring the balance of the front yard up to the standards of the Rules and Regulations, including minimum plant and tree requirements.
A regular inspection of the turf will be made and if it is deemed not in acceptable condition, in the sole discretion of the Association, the turf will be required to be replaced. The ACC reserves the right to require removal/placement/replacement of any area of artificial turf which does not meet the standards set forth by these guidelines.
Replacement of artificial turf must be pre-approved by the ACC to ensure like type, color and quality of replacement product.
- White, off-white or clear commercial basketball backboards may be placed over the garage of a home and must be kept in an attractive and safe operating condition. Unsightly or unsafe basketball backboards must be repaired or removed.
- Permanent free-standing basketball backboards are not allowed in front yards.
- Portable or movable free-standing basketball backboards may be located in front yards and driveways while in use, as long as they do not cause a traffic or safety hazard due to their location and use.
- Portable or movable free-standing basketball backboards may not be located where they would block traffic or visibility on either the streets or the sidewalks.
- Free-standing basketball backboards are allowed in back yards, i.e., behind the rear building line.
Boating is permitted only on Camelback Lake and Lake Margherite for Property Owners who do not possess easement rights to a shoreline. These lakes have concrete ramps which must be used to launch and recover boats. Ramp locations are given when boating permits are issued. Boating is permitted on other lakes if a Property Owner has an easement for a boat dock for such lake. Boating permits are available at the Association office.
- Tenants must furnish a copy of their lease agreement to the Association office, and the permit issued expires upon termination of the lease.
- Permits must be in the Property Owner or tenant’s possession when using the lakes.
- The Association’s Liability Insurance Carrier requires that evidence of liability insurance on boat ownership be presented to the Association before a permit will be issued. Guests must be accompanied by an authorized permit holder at all times while boating.
- Boating permits will not be issued for:
- Stand up Boards, jet skis or the like.
- Sailboats over 14 feet long.
- Fishing boats over 14 feet long.
- Canoes over 17 feet long.
- Pontoon boats over 19 feet long.
- Inflatable boats of any size.
- Boats powered with anything but an electric motor, oars, paddle or sails.
- Boating hours are from sunrise to sunset.
- Fishing is permitted for people with fishing permits while boating on lakes that permit fishing (See, Fishing Rules).
- Under no circumstances are watercraft of any type to be moored on any lakes overnight except those tied to authorized boat docks.
- Vehicles and trailers must be parked in designated areas. McCormick Ranch Property Owners’ Association, Inc. assumes no liability for damage to boats, cars, trailers, or for personal injury to permit holders while exercising their rights as permit holders.
- Boaters must follow all applicable “Arizona Boating Laws and Regulations.”
- All authorized watercraft must have a current Association boating permit displayed on the upper left side of the front of the boat. Boating permits are not transferable from boat to boat or person to person.
- The Association has the right to close access to all lakes when, in its judgment, the lakes are deemed unfit for boating activities.
- The Association has the right to confiscate and remove any and all boats left sitting on its common areas.
- Property Owners with easements for boat docks may place a standard boat dock on designated McCormick Ranch lakes. All such requests for docks must be submitted to and approved by the ACC.
- Property Owners with easements for boat docks are entitled to tie one (1) permitted boat to the dock. Such boats must meet established authorized watercraft criteria and Property Owners must apply for an Association boating permit on an annual basis.
- Property Owners without easements for boat docks will not be allowed to place a boat dock on any McCormick Ranch lake or common property.
- Under no circumstances are watercraft of any type to be moored on any lakes overnight except those tied to authorized boat docks.
- Property Owners who are entitled to have boat docks are responsible for their maintenance.
- Docks not in compliance, either for disrepair or non- conformance, will be referred to the Board for removal.
Borders and headers are continuous materials that separate turf (real or artificial) from other planter and inert areas.
- Borders and headers shall be of concrete or masonry material, may not exceed 12 inches in width and shall be flush where they abut other paved areas.
- The use of steel borders will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis giving consideration to the unique aspects of the landscape.
- Rock, railroad ties, plastic, aluminum and redwood header boards are prohibited.
All exterior colors for both the residential and commercial units must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. A twelve-inch by twelve inches (12″ X 12″) color sample must be submitted to the Committee along with the application request. Following are general guidelines utilized by the Association to determine color approval:
The City of Scottsdale’s Sanitation Division picks up brush debris and large throwaway bulk items on McCormick Ranch monthly. Collection schedules are available on the City’s website or by contacting the City of Scottsdale Sanitation Department at (480) 312- 5600.
- Items must be placed just inside your property line.
- Tree limbs must be less than six feet (6’) long.
- Cuttings must be piled in the same direction.
- Loose or small items must be bagged or boxed.
- Non-collectibles or construction waste including rocks, brick and scrap materials and remodeling materials, will not be picked up.
- The Association restricts indiscriminate stockpiling of such debris. Items to be picked up should be placed in the above described locations no more than two (2) days prior to the scheduled collection week.
- Water discharged when pool filters are backwashed must be contained on the subject’s Lot or parcel.
- Water shall not be discharged at the front of the house, on City or private roadways, on to other private property, on to Association common areas nor onto any private or public right-of-way, including any lake.
In the event that the need for maintenance or repair of Association property is caused by discharging pool water on to Association common areas or lakes by any Property Owner, their family, guests or invitees, the cost of such maintenance or repairs shall be added to and become part of the assessment to which such Property Owner’s Lot is subject and shall be secured by the Assessment Lien.
- All proposed driveway extensions must be submitted to the ACC and approval must be received prior to commencement of work.
- Driveways shall not exceed the width of the garage from the constructed dwelling unit.
- Driveway materials, color samples and setbacks to street and neighboring property must be submitted to the ACC and approved prior to commencement of work.
- Any new proposed driveway extensions must be a conveyance to a gate or garage.
- Concrete driveway extensions must match existing concrete seamlessly in color and texture.
- The total aggregate parking and/or driveway shall be lesser of 35% of the front yard area or 30 linear feet of the Lot frontage.
- All proposed driveway changes, including repairs and replacements, must be submitted to the ACC and approval must be received prior to commencement of work.
- Permitted driveway and sidewalk materials are limited to poured concrete and pavers; no asphalt, stone, rock or other material is permitted.
- Painting of driveways is not permitted.
There are five McCormick Ranch lakes that are designated for fishing.
- Fishing is permitted for people with a current fishing license on Camelback Lake, Lake Margherite, Santa Fe Lake, Lake Nino and Lake Angela.
- All fishing on McCormick Ranch lakes is “catch and release” and only artificial lures are permitted. Live bait is not permitted.
- Fishing permits are only available to current Property Owners and/or their tenants through the Association office and are non-transferrable. Tenants must furnish a copy of their lease agreement to the Association office and the permit issued expires upon termination of the lease.
- Permits must be in the possession of the person fishing at all times while fishing on the lakes.
- Guests must be accompanied by an authorized permit holder while fishing.
- Fishing hours are from sunrise to sunset.
- Flagpoles are not to exceed the height of the home on a residential Lot and the height of the principle building on a commercial Lot.
Placement and color must be approved in writing by the ACC.
- Holiday lighting and decorations that directly correspond to a specific and generally recognized event may be displayed for a period of 7 days preceding the specific calendar holiday and must be removed within 3 days following the said holiday.
The only exception is for holiday lighting and decorations for holidays that fall in the month of December. As to such holidays, lighting and decorations may be put up as early as the immediately preceding Thanksgiving Holiday and must be removed no later than January 7th of the immediately following January.
House numbers shall be no taller than 5 inches in height (Arabic numbers only) and shall be posted on a contrasting background and displayed in a conspicuous place that is unobstructed and clearly readable from the street.
Applications for garage doors must comply with the application procedures set forth in this booklet. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the ACC, garage doors shall be painted to match the body color of the house.
Applications for Guest houses and Accessory Buildings must comply with the application procedures set forth in this booklet. When considering whether to approve Guest Houses and Accessory Buildings, the ACC will consider the size of the proposed structure; the amount of open space preserved between structures; the structure’s proximity to neighboring properties, the street and/or the common area; its design features; and whether the proposed structure will be consistent and in harmony with other Guest Houses or Accessory Buildings in the area.
- Playground and recreational equipment (bicycles, nets, swings, batting cages, etc.) not stored within a structure must be placed in the back yard. For the purpose of this rule, yards facing a lake or golf course are considered front yards.
- Portable recreational and playground equipment, including portable or moveable free-standing basketball backboards, may be placed in front of the residence while in use, as long as they do not cause a traffic or safety hazard due to their location and use. They may not be located where they would block traffic or visibility on either the streets or the sidewalks. Portable items must be stored out of sight from the street, common areas or neighboring properties.
- Permanently installed playhouses must be submitted and approved by the ACC. Maximum height not to exceed ten (10) feet. Playground equipment, including playhouses, exceeding the height of a given solid property perimeter wall may not be placed within ten (10) feet of such wall.
- Any canvas or other awning material shall match the dominant or trim color of the house. Equipment visible from a neighboring property shall be painted to match the dominant or trim color of the house or have a natural wood finish.
- Tree houses are prohibited.
- For purposes of this rule, “back yard” shall mean “behind the rear building line.”
- Maintenance of all walls and fences, interior and exterior are the responsibility of the Property Owner.
- All walls or fences shall be of brick, adobe, slump block or concrete block, with mortar wash or stucco, and match the building’s architecture, texture and color.
- Additions to existing walls or fences shall be consistent with adjoining neighbors’ walls and/or fences. Changes to party walls or fences shall receive the consent of any adjoining Property Owner.
- Side wall additions cannot be higher than rear wall height regardless of neighboring Property Owner’s consent.
- The finished texture on any addition to existing walls or fences must seamlessly match or blend in with the existing texture on the existing wall. If a seamless match or blend cannot be achieved, the entire wall must be restuccoed to create a uniform texture.
- The finished texture on any wall visible from the street, common areas or neighboring properties, must match existing texture of residence.
- The standard height of party walls shall be measured from the higher of the two grade levels on each side of the wall and shall be six feet, plus or minus two inches. Front yard courtyard walls shall not exceed three (3) feet in height.
- All exterior changes to walls and fences must be approved by the ACC.
- The Association may paint the exterior surface (that portion facing away from the Lot) of brick, adobe, slump block or concrete block perimeter walls adjacent to Association owned or maintained common areas. The color and finish used is at the sole discretion of the Association.
No Property Owner shall permit anything or condition to exist upon any Lot which shall induce, breed or harbor plant disease or noxious insects.
- A Property Owner may have only one porta potty/outhouse located in the front of the property for the purpose of supporting approved construction.
- The maximum size is to be single-standard occupancy.
- The porta potty/outhouse must be cleaned at a minimum of one time per week.
- Applications for ramadas, gazebos and similar structures must comply with the application procedures set forth in this booklet. When considering whether to approve ramadas, gazebos and similar structures, the ACC will consider the size of the proposed structure; the amount of open space preserved between structures; the structure’s proximity to neighboring properties, the street and/or the common area; its design features; and whether the proposed structure will be consistent and in harmony with other ramadas, gazebos and similar structures in the area.
- The maximum height and proposed setbacks for ramadas, gazebos and similar structures shall be determined by the ACC in its sole discretion and with respect to the considerations set forth above.
- The placement of any proposed ramada, gazebo or similar structure shall preserve open space between structures.
- Ramadas, gazebos and similar structures must be placed in rear yards only.
- Construction plans must be approved in writing by the ACC before any construction begins.
Renting of property for fewer than 30 days is prohibited.
No repairs of any detached machinery, equipment or fixtures, including without limitation motor vehicles, shall be made upon any portion of any Lot within view of neighboring properties, dwelling units, pathways and streets, without prior written approval of the Association.
No Lot shall be further sub-divided and no portion less than all of any such Lot, or any easement or any other interest therein, shall be conveyed by any Property Owner without the prior written approval of the Association.
No tree shall be allowed to overhang or otherwise encroach upon any sidewalk or any other pedestrian way from ground level to a height of seven feet (7′). Shrubs and trees must not encroach on or over any sidewalk or pedestrian walkway.
All walls or fences shall be of brick, adobe, slump block or concrete block, with mortar wash or stucco. Additions to existing walls/fences must be consistent with adjoining neighbors and be approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
Resident Living
Select one of the options below and the information will expand below. Click the section again to condense it.
- No open fires or burning shall be permitted on any Lot at any time and no incinerators or like equipment shall be placed, allowed or maintained upon any Lot.
- The foregoing shall not be deemed to preclude the use, in customary fashion, of outdoor residential barbecues or grills or enclosed fireplaces and fire tables.
- Any such device must be behind the wall separating the front yard from the rear yard with a setback of five feet (5’) from any perimeter wall or a setback determined by the ACC as otherwise appropriate in its sole discretion.
- The interiors of all carports shall be maintained in a neat, clean and sightly condition.
- No carport shall be used for storage, and no power equipment, hobby shops or carpenter shops shall be maintained in any carport, nor shall any automobile overhaul, repair or maintenance work be conducted therein.
No portion of any property may be developed, or developed otherwise than in accordance with its original intended use, without the prior written authorization and approval of the Association.
No clotheslines shall be placed, allowed or maintained upon any Lot within public or neighboring view.
Commercial vehicles are any vehicle or trailer:
- that contains a design or lettering which advertises a commercial enterprise;
- that has a commercial utility rack located on the vehicle, or work equipment stored on the vehicle that is visible from outside of the vehicle;
- classed by manufacturer’s rating exceeding ¾-ton; or
- used to transport passengers for compensation.
All commercial vehicles must be parked in a garage.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, public safety, public utility, and telecommunications vehicles allowed by Arizona State law to park in streets and driveways shall not be subject to these restrictions.
- The City of Scottsdale states that containers should be placed curbside, with the handle facing away from the street, on the day of collection and be removed from the street that day.
- Containers must be placed away from mailboxes, fences, light poles, vehicles or any obstacles which would prevent the collection vehicle from easily servicing or reaching it.
In addition, the Association requires that all containers be stored in an inconspicuous location.
Roof Mounted Units
All mechanical items and exposed venting shall be enclosed so as to not be visible from ground level viewing from the street, common areas or neighboring properties.
- The enclosure shall be blended into the architecture of the building and rest on the roof surface.
- The enclosure shall be constructed and positioned on the roof in such a manner so it is level and plumb with horizontal and vertical building components.
- The enclosure shall be painted or stuccoed to match the color of the building or roof, whichever presents a more integrated architectural appearance.
- The enclosure should be constructed of exterior plywood or other comparable solid material at least 1/2 inch thick.
- Horizontal louvers or vertical slats may be approved in lieu of a solid plywood structure.
- Maximum height to be four inches (4”) over the height of the HVAC unit.
- The enclosure must be built to withstand local weather conditions.
- Property Owners must submit all mechanical enclosure designs to the ACC for review and approval before installation.
Ground Mounted Units
- Ground mounted units shall be screened so as to not be visible from ground level viewing from the street, common areas or neighboring properties.
- The placement of all ground mounted HVAC and/or cooling units must be specifically approved by the ACC.
Side Mounted Units
- Side mounted units shall be screened so as to not be visible from ground level viewing from the street, common areas or neighboring properties.
- The placement of all side mounted HVAC and/or cooling units must be specifically approved by the ACC.
Window Mounted Units
- Window units are not allowed.
In accordance with McCormick Ranch documents, there will be a blanket easement in favor of the Association upon, across, over and under all lakefront Lots from the rear Lot line toward the front of each Lot to the upper flood easement line. No improvements of any kind or nature may be made by any Property Owner or person on or in the area covered by said blanket easement without the prior written approval of the ACC. The line established inward is generally located twenty (20) feet from the shoreline, but may differ depending on the lake.
- Appropriate rear, front and side yard setbacks will be determined by the ACC in its sole discretion, which may consider City of Scottsdale development standards. Any variance to a required setback must be approved in writing by both the ACC and the City of Scottsdale.
- Detached structures within the waterfront area, such as gazebos, trellis-covered patios, etc., may be approved by the ACC, provided the ACC determines in its sole discretion that there is no material adverse effect on the overall aesthetics or the visibility to the lake from neighboring properties. No structure or improvement of any kind may include braces, footings, supports or other devices which will protrude over the shorelines or obstruct the flow of the lake. Exceptions are docks or wrought iron fences which may be cantilevered over the shoreline as otherwise indicated in these rules. Approval in writing by the ACC is required for any construction within the waterfront area.
- Each Property Owner of any lakefront Lot must, at such Property Owner’s cost and expense, keep and maintain all waterfront facilities and other improvements which are approved in writing by the ACC in good, safe and clean appearance, condition and repair. The Property Owner shall be responsible for determining when a waterfront facility or improvement is no longer safe. The obligation of the Property Owner includes periodic repair, painting and refurbishing.
- Any changes to the natural slope and drainage pattern for the Lot must be accomplished in a manner that will not adversely affect adjoining property and must be approved in writing by the ACC. Excavating for construction of homes, pools, retaining wall footings, landscaping, etc., will be accomplished in a manner that will ensure that dirt does not spill into or otherwise enter the lake. If dirt is spilled into the lake during the construction process, to the degree that removal is required the Association will remove the dirt in a way it determines to be a safe and practical manner. The Property Owner of the Lot must reimburse the Association for the cost of removal. The Property Owner is also responsible for any damage occurring to the lake wall or bottom during the construction and landscaping process and will reimburse the Association for the cost of repairs.
- No fence support, footing, or other construction is permitted on the waterside of the shoreline nor may any such support, footing or other construction be attached in any way to the concrete lake lining. Retaining walls for landscape design, swimming pools, etc., may be utilized according to the following criteria:
- All retaining walls shall require footings adequate to support designed loads without generating side pressure to the concrete lining of the lake wall, and shall not be constructed closer than one (1) foot to the lake as approved in writing by the ACC.
- The ACC may require certified engineering calculations to this effect.
- Retaining walls shall be of split face cmu in 4″, 8″, 12″.
- Regardless of height or material to be used, retaining walls shall not be constructed prior to written approval of the ACC.
- Rear yards and portions of side yards visible from the waterfront side of the Lots will be landscaped utilizing plant material consisting predominantly of ground cover, grass, shrubs, trees, or other plantings suitable to the Southwest desert environment. Natural rock, railroad ties, etc., or other material may be used to enhance the landscape design.
- Landscape design and waterfront structures must be planned in a manner that will have no material adverse effect on the view to the lake from the street, common areas or neighboring properties, as determined by the ACC.
- Use of the lake to provide water for landscape, fountains, streams, etc., on private Lots is not permitted.
- The approved landscape treatment for the rear yards and portions of side yards visible from the waterfront and lakeshore areas must be installed within six (6) months of occupancy.
- All watercraft must be moored to or stored on the dock. The beaching of watercraft is not approved. Floating docks will not be approved. The ACC has an approved standard boat dock design, which shall be used by any Property Owner who desires the installation of a dock on a lakefront Lot approved to have docks. Plans and specifications for the dock are available from the Association Office. Prior to construction of any structure, the Property Owner must secure written approval from the ACC, based on a site plan supplied by the Property Owner. All newly constructed docks must be stained a natural wood stain color.
- Property Owners with easements for boat docks may request approval to place a standard boat dock on designated McCormick Ranch lakes. All such requests for docks must be submitted to and approved in writing by the ACC.
- Property Owners with boat docks are entitled to tie one (1) permitted boat to the dock. Such boats must meet established authorized watercraft criteria and Property Owners must apply for an Association boating permit on an annual basis.
- Property Owners without easements for boat docks will not be allowed to place a boat dock on any McCormick Ranch lake or common property.
- Under no circumstances are watercraft of any type to be moored on any lakes overnight except those tied to authorized boat docks.
- Property Owners who have boat docks are responsible for their maintenance.
The Association may remove docks not in compliance, either for disrepair or non- conformance. Such removal will be at the Property Owner’s expense.
- No Property Owner shall permit any condition to exist that induces or harbors infection, plant diseases or insects.
- No tree, shrub, or plant of any kind on any Lot shall be allowed to overhang or otherwise encroach upon any sidewalk or pedestrian way from ground level to a height of seven (7) feet without the prior written approval or authorization from the Association.
- All yards are to be maintained in a neatly trimmed, weed-free condition.
- “Neatly trimmed” shall be defined as: The removal of overgrown, dead or diseased foliage and branches, suckers, etc., allowing for the natural growth and shape of the plant.
- Severe pruning of trees, disfiguring their natural shape, is not allowed.
- All dead/dying and damaged trees and plant material must be promptly removed and replaced according to minimum landscape guidelines.
- Any damage caused by a neighboring property’s plant or tree shall be considered a neighbor to neighbor issue and is to be addressed solely by the affected Property Owners.
- The Association is the sole judge as to the appropriate maintenance of all Association common areas. For information regarding Association trees, please refer to the Association Tree Policy.
- No outside lighting, other than indirect lighting and motion detector lights, shall be placed, allowed or maintained on any dwelling unit or Lot without prior written approval and authorization of the Association.
- Exterior lighting must be soft and indirect in white or yellow bulbs. Other colored bulbs will only be permitted to be used for holiday decorations. Outdoor spotlights attached to homes must be focused downward and shielded, if necessary. The light element must not adversely affect neighboring properties.
- Landscape and accent lighting must be low voltage, and shall not become a nuisance to neighbors.
- Tennis court, sports court, and other similar lighting must be approved in writing by the ACC. Approval is subject to light type, orientation, site plan, use, brightness and other factors, which the ACC considers to be in the best interest of the Property Owners of McCormick Ranch.
- String or rope lighting that is visible from the street, common areas or neighboring properties is considered to be holiday lighting, unless it has been submitted and approved by the ACC. For Holiday lighting, please see Holiday Lights and Decorations.
No Lot shall be maintained or utilized in such manner as to present an unsightly appearance, or as to unreasonably offend the morale of or as to constitute a nuisance or unreasonable annoyance to, or as to endanger the health of, other owners or residents within McCormick Ranch.
No noxious or offensive activities may be carried on or permitted on any Lot or in any common areas, nor shall anything be done that may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood and/or community. This pertains to the deportment and behavior of any Property Owners, renters, guests or pets. Fines or other appropriate action may be taken against the Property Owner if such activities persist.
The over-seeding of warm season turf (such as Bermuda grass) with rye grass is not required. However, all yards, including during any dormant period, are to be maintained in a neat, weed-free condition.
All buildings and structures are to be kept in good condition and adequately painted as determined by the Association at all times, e.g., no peeling, flacking, blistering, alligatoring, chalking, cracking, dirt pick-up, efflorescence, fading or mud cracking.
- See Paint Colors above for Application Information.
- See Exterior Colors above for guidelines utilized by the Association to determine color approval.
Palm trees must be trimmed of dead palm branches and seed pods on an annual basis.
- It is the intent of the Association to restrict on-street parking as much as possible.
- On-street parking is restricted to deliveries, service providers, short-time guests and invitees.
- Overnight on-street parking is prohibited for residents and commercial vehicles.
- All parking is to be on approved paved areas of the property. Grass or decomposed granite areas adjacent to driveways are NOT considered paved areas.
- No vehicle that is parked on a driveway on any property or on a street in McCormick Ranch may use a vehicle cover, regardless of whether such cover is intended for temporary use or otherwise and regardless of the cover’s color or whether it is custom made for the vehicle.
- No construction equipment, including flat-bed trailers, etc., may be kept or maintained upon any property, whether it is located on the property or on a vehicle parked on the property. When parked in rear or side yards, such equipment may not exceed the height of the fence, and may not be visible from the street, common areas or neighboring properties.
- No vehicle shall be occupied for permanent living purposes while stored at a residence.
- Notwithstanding the foregoing, public safety, public utility, and telecommunications vehicles allowed by Arizona State law to park in streets and driveways shall not be subject to these restrictions.
Maximum height not to exceed ten feet (10’). Playground equipment, including playhouses, exceeding the height of a given solid property perimeter wall may not be placed within ten feet (10’) of such wall. Colors to be submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
- All roof types, designs, colors and materials must be approved in writing by the ACC before commencement of construction or alteration.
- The roof on a building shall be uniform in color, texture, shape and material.
- Color, texture, shape and material of roof should be compatible with the immediate neighborhood and cluster of homes and not draw undue attention to the property.
- The color of the roof should complement the buildings style and exterior color scheme.
- The use of asbestos or wood shingles is not permitted.
- Roofs made of corrugated plastic and sheet metal are prohibited.
- The painting of roof tiles is not allowed.
- Scuppers, gutters and downspouts must be integral to the building design and require the written approval of the ACC.
- Scuppers, gutters and downspouts must blend with or match the color of the house.
1. Satellite dishes exceeding one meter in diameter are allowed subject to the following stipulations:
a. Prior to installation, a site plan must be presented to and approved in writing by the Association’s ACC reflecting the proposed placement of the dish, and the manner in which all portions of the dish are to be screened from the street, common areas or neighboring properties.
b. Ground mounted only with all the wiring to be underground.
c. Placed in the rear yard only.
d. One dish per residence.
e. All wiring extending from the dish must be visually integrated with and painted the color of the building.
2. Direct Broadcast Satellite (“DBS”) antennas, Multi-point Distribution Service (“MDS”) antennas, Television Broadcast Signal (“TVBS”) antennas, antennas designed to receive and/or transmit data services, including Internet access, and masts less than 12 feet above the roof line, or devices that meet the 1996 FCC Rules and revisions thereof, which preempt deed restrictions, are hereby allowed. Such devices should be as unobtrusive as practicable.
3. Antennas, masts and any visible wiring must be painted to match the color of the structure to which they are installed, provided the painting does not interfere with acceptable quality signal and does not void the manufacturer’s warranty.
4. Antennas may not be placed on Association-maintained property.
- No tree shall be allowed to overhang or otherwise encroach upon any sidewalk or any other pedestrian walkway from ground level to a height of seven feet (7’).
- Shrubs and trees must not encroach on or over any sidewalk or pedestrian walkway.
- Unless otherwise explicitly provided below, no signs are allowed within McCormick Ranch unless expressly approved in writing in advance by the Association.
- Signs that are placed in inappropriate areas, such as Association common areas, on street signs, trees, lampposts and mailboxes, etc., without specific written Association approval may be removed by the Association.
- All unauthorized signage located on Association common areas may be removed by Association employees. First time offenders – Signs may be recovered at the Association office. For repeat offenders, the Association reserves the right to discard unauthorized signs immediately.
Residential Property Signs:
Garage Sale Signs:
Garage sale signs do not require prior approval from the Association so long as they are used in compliance with the following guidelines:
- Number: Maximum of three (3) per individual sale, one (1) of which must be in the yard.
- Size: No larger than four (4) square feet.
- Signs are to be used only when sale is taking place and for no longer than a maximum of two (2) consecutive days.
- All such signs must be free-standing, i.e., no stakes and not attached to trees, posts, fences, light poles, etc. All such signs must be of either sandwich or A-frame construction. No signs shall be placed so as to create a traffic hazard.
- No sign enhancements, such as balloons, flashing lights, etc., are permitted without prior written approval from the Association.
Political Signs:
Political signs do not require prior approval from the Association so long as they are used in compliance with the following guidelines:
- Political signs are not restricted in number, but each Property Owner is limited to an aggregate total of sixteen (16) square feet of signage on their property and they may not be more than ten (10) feet in height.
- Political signs cannot be installed earlier than seventy-one (71) calendar days prior to an election and must be removed no later than three (3) calendar days after an election.
- Political signs cannot be placed within Association owned property.
Realty Signs:
Realty signs do not require prior approval from the Association so long as they are used in compliance with the following guidelines:
- Commercially produced “For Sale,” “For Lease/Rent” and “Open House” signs and a sign rider in conformance with the industry standard size will be permitted on a Property Owners’ property.
- Open houses will be permitted between the hours of 8:00am and 6:00pm.
- Open house signs are not permitted to be placed on Association common areas.
Security Signs:
Security signs must receive the prior written approval of the Association.
- No more than two (2) signs will be permitted per home. Security signs may not be placed more than five feet (5’) from the house.
- Colors used are subject to ACC approval.
Commercial Property Signs:
- Commercial signs are not allowed within McCormick Ranch unless approved in writing by the Association. Furthermore, any enhancements made to an existing sign, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, such as balloons, flashing lights, etc., must receive the prior written approval of the Association.
- Generally, only commercial signage mounted on buildings will be permitted. Free standing signs placed in close proximity to a commercial establishment generally will not be approved.
Solar energy devices must be approved in writing by the ACC before construction/installation. Any solar energy device governed by A.R.S. 44-1761 shall be mounted, to the extent practicable, so as to not be visible from neighboring properties or the street.
- No exterior storage of any items of any kind that is visible from ground level viewing from the street, common areas or neighboring properties is permitted except with prior written approval and authorization of the Association.
- Any such storage as is approved and authorized must be in areas attractively screened or concealed (subject to all required approvals as to architectural control) from view from the street, common areas or neighboring properties.
- This provision shall apply, without limitation, to woodpiles, camping trailers, boat trailers, travel trailers, boats, mobile homes and un-mounted pickup camper units.
- Also, without limitation, no automobile, truck or other vehicle, regardless of ownership, age, condition, or appearance, shall remain on any Lot in any manner which could be construed as being stored, neglected, abandoned or otherwise not in frequent use, except pursuant to written approval and authorization of the Association.
Storage shed placement, size and color must be approved in writing by the ACC.
- Generally, the maximum height for a storage shed shall be ten feet (10’).
- Generally, a minimum five feet (5’) setback is required from all perimeter walls.
- The ACC may vary from the above height and setback guidelines if it determines such guidelines are not in harmony with or consistent with similar structures in the surrounding area or do not preserve adequate open space between structures, as well as any other considerations the ACC deems appropriate in its sole discretion.
- Storage sheds must be placed in rear yards only.
Any lighting selection must be approved by the ACC. The ACC reserves all rights to approve, approve with stipulations or disapprove the use of string lights in its sole discretion on a case-by-case basis giving consideration to the unique aspects of each property. The use of string lights must be considered “reasonable” in the opinion of the ACC. The ACC reserves the rights to create special stipulations or to allow minor exceptions as deemed appropriate.
Please use the following guidelines when submitting:
- String lights should be located in the rear of the property. String lighting in the front of the property may be considered when submitted with a complete lighting plan.
- String lights must be located within 15′-0″ of the main house.
- String lights must be located a minimum of 5′-0″ from any property line; and a minimum of 5′-0″ from any fence line.
- String lights may not be mounted higher than 10′-0″ above the adjacent finished grade or the bottom of the lowest single-story roof eave of the existing house, whichever is more restrictive.
- String lights may be anchored directly to the home. The string lights must be connected at or below the lowest eave line of the home. A maximum of two (2) free standing posts are allowed to support the string lights, if necessary. Any posts shall be installed and maintained vertical and level. Any posts shall be painted black or dark bronze.
- Wrapping string lights around trees is not permitted.
- No more than 50 total bulbs are allowed.
- No more than 100 lineal feet total of string lights are allowed.
- Each light bulb may not exceed 66 lumens (the equivalent of an 11 watt incandescent bulb).
- Bulbs may be white or clear. Colored lights are not allowed.
- Lights may not flicker, flash, blink, or animate.
- “Rope lights” and “mini light strings” like those commonly used for holiday decorations are not allowed as string lights under this criteria.
- The lumen, kelvin, shape, and size of each light bulb must be uniform.
- String lights should not be on past 10:00 PM; unless the outdoor space is actively being used at the time. String lights are not allowed to be used as security lighting.
- Owners shall be required to maintain the String lights in an attractive manner. If the appearance of the string lighting becomes unsightly, the Owner shall immediately remove the string lights.
- Zero lot line properties must have a signed consent form from immediately surrounding neighbors prior to submitting.
Swimming in McCormick Ranch lakes is prohibited at all times.
Property Owners may temporarily store household items or construction materials using portable storage/moving containers (PODS) or any similar units designed for the temporary storage of such items as follows:
- Temporary storage containers visible from the street, common areas or neighboring properties may be stored by a Property Owner for no more than two (2) weeks in any given [calendar] year on a Property Owner’s property. If longer-term storage is needed, the Property Owner must contact the Association Compliance Department for approval of an extension prior to the expiration of the time limit.
- The only allowable location for such containers is in the Property Owner’s driveway.
- Containers may not be placed in the street unless the Property Owner has City of Scottsdale permission.
- Containers must be registered with the Association prior to delivery to the property.
- No more than two containers may be present at one given time.
- No wooden crates or soft-sided containers are allowed.
- Trash dumpsters may be used on-site for no more than two (2) weeks. If longer-term storage is needed, the Property Owner must contact the Association Compliance Department for written approval of an extension prior to the expiration of the time limit.
- Trash dumpsters may not block any sidewalk or street. Violators will be reported to the City of Scottsdale for enforcement.
- Trash dumpsters must be standard sized, steel-sided or soft-sided.
- Trash dumpsters must be promptly emptied when full.
- Wind turbines placed on a flat roof must be painted to match the house.
- Wind turbines placed on a pitched roof must be painted to match the roof color.